Books to read:
Books I’ve found inspiring, instructive, helpful.
- “Ant Encounters: Interaction Networks and Colony Behavior” by Deborah M. Gordon. (2010)
- “Ants at Work” By Deborah M. Gordon (2000)
Talks I’ve delivered over the years on the general topic of autonomous agents on the Web.
- From Steve Austin to Peter Norvig: Engineering AMEE, the Simple Autonomous Agent (2021)
- Bots on the Net: The Good, The Bad, and the Future (2018)
- Dreams, Lies, and the Autonomous Web Revisited (2017)
- Coming to Terms with our Autonomic Future (2016)
- Adaptable Clients and Evolvable APIs (2015)
- Dreams, Lies, and the Autonomous Web (2015)
- Self-Replication, Strandbeest, and the Game of Life (2014)
- Follow Your Nose or Hold Your Nose (2014)
- Mapping the API Landscape (2014)
- Making Cloud Data Usabe (2014)
- Autonomous Agents on the Web: Beyond Linking and Meaning (2013)
- From APIs to Affordances (2013)